
Thursday, May 23, 2019

It’s Musk; What Boundaries?

FMS#368 || Faridabad-NCR || February 2019

Just look at this video meme I received.

I too have something to show. You go first.

It’s a video that 70,000 years ago humans started walking from a place in Africa. They kept walking. Kept spreading, kept going, and reached many different places. They’re still walking. And now stand at 7 billion.

Wow! Mine is connected, kind of. There are deer that keep roaming, walking, running in search of the source of an intoxicating fragrance. Everywhere they go, they can smell it. Their search takes them to many places. This fragrance comes from a gland within the deer themselves. And so it is that they find this fragrance everywhere they go.

What’s intriguing is that humans resent the roaming of deer, keep them circumscribed within reserved and demarcated zones.

By the way, humans have a big problem with walking. They keep producing boundaries. All kinds of boundaries that occlude time horizons.

Nicely said. ‘Time horizon’. Heard this after so long. I’m also liking the ease with which both of you were talking about 70,000 years. It brought in an elegant ‘time shadow’ to the making of the seven billion that we are today.

Hello, why are you continuously checking your phone? What’s up?

An ordinary urgency. A message from our work group that tomorrow we’re all not going for duty. We do this between us around once every 10 to 15 days. It keeps pressure on the management.

It’s the same in the factory next door. Workers do this collective not-reaching once in ten days. They say it’s the most ordinary and easiest form in which to keep acting. It builds tremendous force.

It has fragrance, spreads fragrance!

Yesterday we all got entangled in a puzzle. This discussion on musk that you’re having makes me feel that you’ll enjoy it.

Well. Go on then. It’s always fun to hear puzzles on fragrance.

A friend was describing how the slayer-worshiper, cruel intelligence imposed a fine on a bright young woman. She has this beautiful quality of generously listening to each and every one, and also of speaking with care. Gives time. Gives attention. Is a friend who cares for all.

Where is the riddle?

A puzzle is in the making. The fine imposed on her was because of these very attributes. The management argues that, since they are the ones giving wage, only their well-being should matter and no one should be distracted by, or into, any other form of well-being.

Oh, I get it. The question you are asking is, what is the extent of the wager of wage?

Yup! What’s wage for? It’s not given as charity. There’s an exchange with work done. Lots of work, less money. Then from where this command of boundaries?

Many a time, work stops. We work, you pay wages, then why this abusive language?

A clash with boundaries is on at all times. No, let me reframe that — It’s through collisions that boundaries get made, extended, and broken. In a strange way we are boundary worshippers. And we also get claustrophobic with boundaries.

Meanwhile, humans continue in a state of walking. They are spreading. They are mixing in unimaginable ways. We walked from a small place in Africa and spread to become a few billion. How can you say we are boundary worshippers!

Think about it. If the deer did not get into a search of the fragrance of musk, they wouldn’t have roamed the world. Instead, they’d have got stuck in one place, would have got fat, immobile, and unrecognisable as deer.

Well said! When my grandmother would say of someone that they emit the fragrance of musk, she was giving great regard to these qualities, of searching and roaming, in that person.

Fms February 2019 by baatein1 on Scribd

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